Tina Lee steps up for Penticton-Summerland with the BC NDP

Tina Lee has won the BC NDP nomination in Penticton-Summerland.

Tina Lee has spent her career advocating for fairness and government that is responsive to the needs of everyday people. She has worked across six continents as a human rights advocate and at home in Penticton, she has worked both as an executive with the City of Penticton and currently works in an outreach role for MP Richard Cannings. She also serves on the Okanagan College Board of Governors and has given her time to many local organizations including Penticton Safety Village, the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan, Dragonfly Pond, and several other youth associations. As a mother of two children, Tina is committed to being a strong voice to truly address the challenges families in Penticton-Summerland face.

“We need a government that is dedicated to taking action on housing, climate change, healthcare and the cost of living. But what we hear from Rustad and the Conservatives is that they will repeal, cut and gut,” said Lee. “When Rustad was in cabinet, his government hiked fees and cut healthcare. If he gets into power again, he’s said he’d rip up our nation-leading housing reforms and repeal the strongest climate action plan on our continent. We can’t let it happen. It’s a risk we can’t afford.”

Since forming government in July 2017, the BC NDP has taken action on crucial issues that matter to the people of Penticton-Summerland, including:

  • Putting people ahead of speculators and investors by bringing in tough new restrictions on short-term rentals and a speculation tax, plus simplified approvals that make it easier and faster to get 300,000 new homes built;
  • Connecting people to the care they need by hiring 700 more family doctors, licensing internationally-educated healthcare workers in BC and building a new medical school at SFU Surrey to train even more doctors;
  • Putting money back in your pocket by eliminating MSP premiums, lowering ICBC rates by $500 a year and boosting the BC Family Benefit by $445; and
  • Taking action to create 75,000 good paying jobs in the last year to make BC an economic leader in Canada, with the highest wages in the country.

“I’m very glad Tina has stepped up and put her name forward to serve the people of Penticton and Summerland. Tina will fight for strong public services and homes people can actually afford,” said Premier David Eby. “John Rustad will hand the housing market over to speculator, sending costs through the roof. We can’t let that happen and with together with Tina, we will stop him.”

Tina Lee will join David Eby and 91 other exceptional BC NDP candidates in this fall’s provincial election, all committed to real action to help people build a good life here in BC.