Taking action for you and your family: Ravi Parmar is your BC NDP candidate in Langford-Highlands

As the newly nominated BC NDP candidate for Langford-Highlands, Ravi Parmar renewed a commitment to look out for everyday people, and defend against powerful interests.

Ravi Parmar is the current MLA for Langford-Juan de Fuca and the youngest representative in the BC Legislature. As Chair of the Sooke School Board, Ravi worked to deliver the largest expansion of public schools in the district's history, including new schools like Centre Mountain Lellum Middle School and PEXSISEN Elementary School. He has a long record of standing up for his community — and getting results.

“People in Langford-Highlands need a government that’s on their side, that will invest in the services and infrastructure they rely on, and not the deep cuts we’d get from Falcon or Rustad,” said Parmar. “I am proud to be on David Eby's team where we are taking action on housing, healthcare and affordability — and standing up for regular people, not the powerful.”

Since forming government in July 2017, the BC NDP has taken action on crucial issues that matter to the people of Langford-Highlands, including:

  • Putting people ahead of speculators and investors by bringing in tough new restrictions on short-term rentals and a speculation tax, plus simplified approvals that make it easier and faster to get 300,000 new homes built;
  • Helping you and your family get the care you need by hiring 700 new family doctors;
  • Putting money back in your pocket by eliminating MSP premiums, lowering ICBC rates by $500 a year and boosting the BC Family Benefit by $445; and
  • Keeping communities safe by hiring 250 more police officers, giving police more power to address public drug use, cracking down on repeat violent offenders, and taking on organized crime — including seizing Hells Angels clubhouses and many other proceeds of crime.

“From his days working with John Horgan to deliver the largest expansion of public schools in his district’s history, Ravi has been a champion for Langford-Highlands,” said Premier David Eby. “The people of that riding can count on him to take action for them and their family.”

Ravi Parmar will join David Eby and 91 other exceptional BC NDP candidates in this fall’s provincial election, all committed to real action to help people build a good life here in BC.