Rustad’s “semi-costed” platform fails to impress

"Everything they could possibly think of went into this platform, except how to pay for it all." -Hamish Telford, University of the Fraser Valley.

“The BC Conservative Party released their “costed” platform today. Reading it makes me wonder if parties looking to form government do not give a rat’s arse about a sensible platform that demonstrates their ability to govern then is that because voters don’t care. Look the platform is NOT costed. If you actually care about the fiscal position of the province you should care this platform is not costed. And when I say it is not costed we are talking perhaps about $10 billion not costed. And that is a year, $10b is potentially not costed per year of the platform. Per year.” -Lindsay Tedds, economist

“My personal favorite is no costing of capital plans…after announcing a crap ton of new bridges, roads, hospitals, etc. It’s so easy to promise. It’s a fair bit harder to deliver in reality.” -Craig Cameron

“More issues with the past due platform of the B.C. Conservative Party. They’ve exaggerated growth. They’ve underfunded status quo services. No itemized costing of mega projects. Talk about a day(s) late and a dollar short.” -Celine Thompson

“The delay on the platform was almost certainly because folks couldn't make things add up, which is pretty clear from the attempt to waive away the problem with wild fiscal projections.” -Rob Gillezeau, economist

“BC's growth outpaces every other major province. It's hard to think where the extra growth will come from [...] 5% + GDP growth is completely unreasonable.” -Scott Harrison, Qualicum Councillor

The long wait for the BC Conservative’s costed election platform ended Tuesday with a document so vague it will be hard for even the voters who still care about the issue to muster up much interest. -Rob Shaw

“Since this election date was well known to everyone to not even have their budget done until 4 days before the election is incompetent. But yeah they’ll be great trying to run the province.” -Brian Cargnelli

“BC Conservatives are NOT fiscal conservatives. They are culture-war, terminally online populist Conservatives who grudgingly produced a costed platform in the dying days of the election campaign. BC Conservatives would much rather be spending their time whipping up anger than balancing the books. The BC Conservative deficit would most likely be larger than the BC-NDP's.” -Mark Marissen

“$18.5 million a year to deliver on the BC Conservative child care proposals is simply not realistic.” -Sharon Gregson, $10aDay

“Another fantasy burger- Rustad’s impoverished approach to ‘economic reconciliation’ would almost certainly result in the Province failing to fulfill its legal obligations to affected FNs and result in millions more spent fighting in court.” -Grand Chief Stewart Phillip

“The BC Conservative Party has released an education platform that shows a deep misunderstanding of public schools and what students in them need. Each promise represents a leap backward for BC families at a time when we need smart and strategic investment in students and schools — not cuts, privatization, and partisan political interference.” -BC Teachers’ Federation

“The Cons ed platform is a disaster.” -Patti Bacchus

“The question voters are going to have to grapple with is: is this realistic? And I’m not sure the document answers all of those questions.” -Richard Zussman

"When it comes to bringing that deficit down, it is a question of where and what parties are looking to do in terms of reducing. Are they going to cut services? Are they going to reduce health care? Something kind of has to be reduced in order to bring those numbers down if you want to get it done quickly." -Bryan Yu, chief economist at Vancouver's Central 1

“Inclusion BC is disturbed by the BC Conservative platform on education. Research in Canada and around the world shows us that all students learn better in inclusive classrooms. ” -Inclusion BC

“So they delay platform release to closing days of campaign, then have to change location twice and timing once. That should help dispel doubts about whether they are ready to govern, no?” -Vaughn Palmer

“BC Conservative leader John Rustad released his party’s semi-costed platform Tuesday — four days ahead of the Oct. 19 provincial election” -Graeme Wood