Meet Kamal Grewal, Kamloops Centre’s BC NDP choice, taking action for you and your family

Kamal Grewal has officially accepted the BC NDP nomination in Kamloops Centre, committing to taking action for Kamloops families, and keeping progress going.

A longtime resident of Kamloops, Kamal was born in India and moved to Canada at 16. She chose Kamloops to be the place where she would build her life and raise her family. As a student advisor at Thompson Rivers University and as a member of the Board of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Kamloops, she has witnessed the challenges facing the people of Kamloops Centre firsthand. She knows that people need a government that will act to take on those challenges and make life easier.

“Our NDP team knows the challenges that are facing families, because we live them,” said Grewal. “David Eby’s NDP has been taking action to address those challenges: building homes for people, building hospitals, and hiring family doctors. Thanks to the action this government has taken, we are starting to turn the corner.”

Since forming government in July 2017, the BC NDP has taken action on crucial issues that matter to the people of Kamloops Centre, including:

  • Putting people ahead of speculators and investors by bringing in tough new restrictions on short-term rentals and a speculation tax, plus simplified approvals that make it easier and faster to get 300,000 new homes built;
  • Helping you and your family get the care you need by hiring 700 new family doctors and building a new cancer care centre in Kamloops;
  • Helping people with costs by eliminating MSP Premiums, reducing ICBC rates by $500 a year, boosting the BC Family Benefit by $445, cutting childcare fees in half, and making birth control free; and
  • Keeping communities safe by hiring 250 more police officers, giving police more power to address public drug use, cracking down on repeat violent offenders, and taking on organized crime — including seizing Hells Angels clubhouses and many other proceeds of crime.

"Kamal immigrated to Kamloops when she was 16, and ever since then, has been a champion for her community. In her, the people of Kamloops Centre have a candidate who is in their corner, and who will take action on housing, healthcare and affordability," said Premier David Eby. "People need a government that will work to make life easier, not make risky cuts to essential services people depend on including hospitals, schools and childcare. Kamal and our BC NDP team will always fight to protect people."

Kamal Grewal will join David Eby and 91 other exceptional BC NDP candidates in this fall’s provincial election, all committed to real action to help people build a good life here in BC.