“Let’s stick together” to stop Rustad from importing American-style healthcare: Eby

Rustad’s two-tier health care plan to will drain doctors, nurses from B.C. hospitals

NANAIMO – At the first of four campaign events on Vancouver Island, David Eby outlined his plan to deliver stronger health care and warned of the risk John Rustad’s plan for American-style two-tier health care would pose.

“We’re facing big challenges in health care, challenges that would be made so much worse with John Rustad’s plan for deep cuts and to import the US-style two tier system,” said Eby. “At a time when we’re just starting to turn the corner and connecting hundreds of thousands of British Columbians to a family doctor, it’s reckless. John Rustad is not looking out for you – let’s stick together to defend universal, public healthcare.”

At an event with supporters in August, John Rustad was asked if he would allow for the use of paid health care. He said that the Canada Health Act stops him from doing that – for now. But he hopes to change that, saying: “that’s what the silly Canadian Health Act is all about but, hopefully, one day we’ll get some changes there as well.” (Audio). In January, Rustad said we should “be thinking about patients as a revenue generator.”

“John Rustad has made it clear he would make you wait longer and pay more for worse health care – by draining doctors and nurses from our public hospitals,” said Eby. “We are winning the global competition for health workers and building new hospitals across the province. If you don’t want to wake up on Sunday morning to Premier John Rustad dismantling our healthcare system, I’m asking you to join us.”

David Eby’s plan to strengthen health care will connect every British Columbian to a doctor or nurse practitioner, hire 45,000 new health care workers, and build new hospital projects – including adding a new tower at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

People on Vancouver Island who supported other parties in the past are uniting behind David Eby’s BC NDP team:

“I am honoured to endorse David Eby and the BC NDP. In previous years, I have supported the Green Party, but we can't afford to take chances in such a close race with John Rustad's Conservatives. In this election I'm urging people to vote NDP so we can continue moving forward.” – Chief Don Tom, Tsartlip First Nation and vice-president of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs

"There is lots on the line this election. It's despicable that John Rustad is running on a platform of removing rights that would strip away the rights of our friends, family members and neighbours if he got the chance. We can't afford to have him form a government. I may not be queer, and I may not be Indigenous, but it is vital that we cast our votes to protect the rights of those who are, so we can foster safety and inclusivity for people in B.C. This election, I know that the NDP is the only viable choice – and that's why I'm supporting them." – Jessica Duncan, Victoria Beacon Hill resident