Eby warns Rustad’s cuts and cancellations will cost B.C. families

BC NDP will cut taxes for the middle class while making speculators and billionaires pay their fair share

VANCOUVER— David Eby shared his plan to help people get ahead in ridings across Metro Vancouver, warning that John Rustad’s cuts and cancellations would cost middle-class families.

“Things are really tough out there for people and families. The last thing you need is a government that would cut taxes for those at the top while they make you pay the price,” said Eby. “Our plan will help you end the day a little further ahead than when you started. We’ll cut taxes for the middle class, deliver homes you can afford, and protect public health care so it’s there when you need it.”

Under Eby’s plan, 90 percent of B.C. families will see a $1,000 tax break, while real estate speculators are asked to chip in a little more. A re-elected BC NDP will also lock in people’s $500 a year car insurance savings, continue reducing child care bills, and deliver 300,000 middle-class homes over the next ten years.

“John Rustad’s last minute, incomprehensible platform is more than a day late and many dollars short. Whatever he says now, you know he’s not looking out for you,” said Eby. “Struggling families need more help–and that’s what we’ll deliver. In difficult times, you deserve a government that will have your back, not one that will leave you to fend for yourself.”

John Rustad would cut taxes for billionaires and speculators–and make everyday British Columbians pay the price:

Double car insurance rates to pad the profits of private insurance companies and personal injury lawyers–just like in Ontario and Alberta.

Jack up rent prices by reversing rules to crack down on short term rentals and ending rent control.

Bring back out-of-control child care costs by scrapping direct supports for families that reduce monthly fees by between $545 and $900 every month.

Import American-style two-tier healthcare that will leave people waiting longer and paying more by draining hospitals of doctors and nurses from hospitals.

Send hydro rates soaring just like Rustad did last time he was in government when they skyrocketed by 80 percent.