David Eby to deliver $1,000 a year household relief, starting immediately

BC NDP middle-class tax cut benefits 90% while Rustad would make people wait nearly two years for help

SURREY – Surrounded by hundreds of supporters in Surrey, David Eby announced he will deliver $1,000 in a tax cut for the average family – every year, starting next year. Under this plan, over 90% of British Columbians will benefit.

“It’s really tough out there for many families – inflation and interest rates have driven up the cost of daily essentials. People need help now so they can get ahead,” said Eby. “John Rustad would make ordinary people wait eighteen months to receive any support – that’s if you believe him at all. Our tax cut for the middle class supports people now who are struggling with the high costs of groceries.”

David Eby’s plan will exempt an additional $10,000 of individual income from tax every year – providing a tax cut of over $1,000 for households and over $500 for individual British Columbians. In 2025, Eby’s middle-class tax cut will be provided through a direct rebate, so people do not have to wait for the help they need now.

Under Rustad’s scheme, British Columbians would see zero relief next year and would be left waiting until 2029 for the supposed full benefit. Benefits would go to fewer people, under a more complicated system, and people would wait almost two years for any relief.

When John Rustad was in government, he cut taxes for the top 2% and made people pay the price in higher fees and fares. People in Surrey were forced to pay over $10,000 in tolls a year to get to and from work on the Port Mann bridge.

“John Rustad has a 20 year record of supporting tax cuts for those who don’t need them and making people who could use the help pay more,” Eby added. “Rustad did it before and he would do it again if given the chance. It’s a risk we just can’t afford. If we earn the trust of British Columbians in this election, we’ll make sure people don’t just get by–they get ahead.”