This campaign – every moment of it – is happening because of people. Tonight John Horgan stood up for all of them.

Tonight was the one and only televised debate of this election. From the very first question, it was clear who John Horgan stood with.

It’s people like Lawrence Watson, who watched his work in the forestry industry shipped overseas along with raw logs. People like Inder and Ahmed, who struggled to find a rental home and, with a baby on the way, still face costs that won’t stop rising. Like students leaving university buried under a lifetime of debt.

Christy Clark doesn’t have a plan for them. But John does, and tonight, for 90 minutes, he stood up for them. Here are a few of our favourite moments:

When he stood up to Christy Clark for people affected by our housing crisis.

“I met today with young professionals that can’t afford to stay in BC. They’re leaving BC because housing prices are just too high. ...Your negligence over the past 2 years has led to a market that is unattainable to the people you claim to represent.”

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When he explained why he’s so passionate about British Columbians and what makes him angry about this government

“I’m an Irish descendent, I’m passionate. I got involved in public life to make life better for people. When government ignores children in care, when people take their own lives I get angry and people do as well. When government fights with teachers and shortchanges a generation of kids I get angry. I’m passionate, I feel strongly about a whole host of issues but always made it absolutely clear wherever I’ve traveled they are at the centre of politics. I get up every day trying to make life better for my neighbors, community, British Columbians.

That’s why I’m in this election. After 16 years of them neglecting the important things we need in our communities, it's time to send the BC Liberals to the opposition benches.”

When he reminded people of his history working in – and fighting for BC’s forest industry.

“I’ve worked in the forest industry and I represent a former forest community. Here’s my commitment to forest workers and people depending on a deal to continue to thrive and prosper every single day: I’ve got your back, I’m in your corner, fighting for you, fighting for a deal, that is critically important to British Columbians. Every single day I will work for you on this foundational industry for BC.”

When he asked Christy Clark to apologize for how her government failed to stand up for the generation of BC kids that her cuts undermined.

“After 16 years of illegal cuts to public education after the Supreme Court said your choices as Minister of Education and Premier are against the law. You've never apologized to kids that lost a generation of opportunity, to parents, teachers – will you do that today? The generation that you stole.”

We’re disappointed, but not surprised, to share that she did not apologize.

When John brought it all home.

“It's been a feisty debate, but I bet it’s made clear the choices you have to make over the next 13 days. Do you want 4 more years of increased costs? A 42% increase in ICBC rates? A break on tolls (but not really)?

The BC NDP has made people the centre of our politics. We’ll make life more affordable, make sure services you count on are there like public education, health care, seniors care and child care.

I think it’s time for change, for the BC Liberal neglect to end. Help is on the way, and on May 9 I ask you, I urge the people, if you want to change, if you want to end government only for the wealthy and the well-connected – vote for the BC NDP.”

We’re a little biased, but we’re pretty sure tonight was a big win for the people of British Columbia.

Beautiful, right?

Because after tonight, the choice couldn’t be more clear. After 16 years, it’s time you had a Premier who works for you.

If you’re ready to build a Better BC, make a plan to vote today.