A Message from David Eby

British Columbia is a beautiful place. It’s where Cailey and I put down roots and started a family. But it’s not always easy. Everywhere I go, I listen to people who motivate me to find solutions to today’s tough challenges.

Families, who worry about being able to put food on the table when global inflation and Central bank interest rates have driven up costs. Young people, who are being priced out of the communities they live in after decades of unchecked speculation in the housing market. Seniors, who want to know that healthcare will be there when they need it but see the long-lasting effects of the pandemic, and record setting population growth on our healthcare workers and hospitals.

I hear you, and I see you. The challenges we are facing together are what drive me. And working to solve them is what gets me out of bed each morning.

In difficult times, you deserve a government that’s on your side – that has your back. Not one that will leave you to fend for yourself and help those who already have the most. That’s a risk nobody can afford right now.

Ours is a serious plan. We’re on the side of people who work hard and play by the rules. We want to make sure you don’t just get by–you get ahead.


Helping Bring Down Your Costs

Together, we’ve made a lot of progress bringing down your costs – from eliminating MSP premiums to cutting in half what parents pay for child care to eliminating costly bridge tolls. John Rustad would cancel all that progress.

David Eby and the BC NDP team will protect your savings. And we’ll put more money in your pocket while defending the public services your family counts on.

Delivering a middle-class income tax cut

Putting $1,000 in the wallets of BC households now, and every year. Over 90% of British Columbians will benefit with $500 for individuals or $1,000 for households....

Strengthen protections for BC consumers

Bad actors are taking advantage of the market – we'll protect people who are struggling with already-high costs....

Saving families money on groceries by expanding school meals

We’ll expand the public school meals program, helping your monthly budget and improving students’ health, learning and outcomes....

Deliver affordable before- and after-school care for kids up to age 12

By working with school districts, Educational Assistants, and other trusted staff, we’ll bring costs down for even more families through affordable before- and after-school care in every school district....

Creating more new child care spaces

Adding tens of thousands of new, desperately needed accessible and affordable child care spaces – and building a long-term capital plan with input from families, providers, school districts, experts and others....

Locking in your car insurance savings

The changes we made are saving you 20% on your yearly premiums. We’ll freeze premiums where they are while making sure coverage keeps pace with increasing costs for the services people need as they recover from a car accident....

Cutting your home heating and energy costs

We’ll keep hydro rates low and – through rebates for energy-efficiency upgrades – you can save more by installing solar panels, storing power in home solar batteries, and even putting electricity back into the grid....

Delivering free transit, more housing, savings for seniors

Helping seniors get around town with free off-peak transit | More affordable housing | Helping seniors live independently by increasing SAFER and the Seniors Supplement, and expanding the Better at Home program | Building 5,400 long-term care beds....

Getting more people into homes they can afford

Whether it’s new construction, cracking down on speculators to free up more existing housing, or getting rid of outdated red tape and zoning restrictions that delay – or even prevent – homes being built, David Eby’s Housing Action Plan to make homes more available and affordable is starting to work.

Experts say those changes are already going to create 300,000 homes for people. While John Rustad said he would cancel the progress we’ve made together, we’re just getting started.

Opening the door for first time home buyers

We’re reducing the up-front costs of buying a home for tens of thousands of first-time buyers. With our plan, buyers pay only 60% of their unit's price initially; the remaining 40% is due only when they sell - or after 25 years - and their equity in the home has grown....

Cracking down on housing speculators and flippers

Homes are for people, not for turning artificially inflated profits. That’s why we’re expanding our speculation tax and clamping down on home flipping, which both leave potential home buyers out in the cold. Both these actions would be cancelled by John Rustad....

Driving the construction of lower-cost middle class homes

By growing BC’s own factory-built home construction industry, everyone from multi-generational families to municipalities can build single homes, duplexes, and triplexes on land they already own – more affordably and in as little as 12 weeks!...

Prioritize housing for public land

We’ll never sell public land that is suitable for attainable housing to be built on. Instead, we’ll partner with the non-profit and private sector to build attainable middle income housing....

Driving more rental home construction

Encouraging municipalities to get more market rental housing built with an infrastructure fund tied to housing starts | Waiving provincial property taxes for new purpose-built rental projects | Building more homes and prioritizing new housing around transit stations....

Fueling the construction of more non-market housing

People in BC are paying too much for rent – in fact, 25% of renters are spending more than half their monthly income on it. We’ll provide more land for non-market and co-op housing, build more homes on it, and help non-profits take care of those homes....

Doubling construction apprenticeship training

So BC has the supply of red-seal certified workers needed to build the tens of thousands homes we need every year....

Creating more – and more secure – homes for renters

Encourage people to rent their suites with subsidized insurance covering unexpected problems like damage and unpaid rent | Protecting rental stock by replenishing the Rental Protection Fund....

Providing safe, secure housing for everyone

We’ll bring the Homeless Encampment Action Response Temporary Housing program to more communities to help get people inside. Together, we can make sure new facilities have the locations, staff and standards to deliver safe, successful outcomes for the whole community....

Pets now welcome!

We’ll end the bias against pet owners in purpose-built rental buildings – which impacts young people, seniors and people with disabilities the most. This will also bring down the rate of pet abandonments across BC, as renters no longer have to make the difficult choice between the housing they need and the pet they love....

Making health care work better for you & your family

While John Rustad has said he wants to cut billions from health care and bring in American-style privatization – putting your care at risk – David Eby and the BC NDP team are strengthening health care.

That’s how we’re winning the competition for doctors and nurses during a global shortage of health professionals. It’s how we completed more surgeries last year than in any previous year. And it’s how we kept people safe and saved lives during the pandemic. Here's how we’re going to deliver better and faster public health care across BC.

Protecting you from the return of costly MSP premiums

John Rustad and his old BC Liberal government doubled monthly Medical Services Plan (MSP) premiums – essentially a tax on health care – hurting working families. The BC NDP eliminated those premiums and, under David Eby, they will never come back....

Connecting you to a family doctor or nurse practitioner

We’ve connected 248,000 people to a family doctor or nurse practitioner since July 2023 – with 160,000 more matched in the next six months. With this pace, we will make sure everyone who wants a family doctor or nurse practitioner gets one by the end of 2025....

Training more BC doctors

We’re adding more medical school seats this year and adding 48 new residency positions. BC’s second medical school at SFU-Surrey will be accepting its first students in 2026. And people who train here stay here – 90 percent of BC medical school graduates practice in our province....

Attracting more doctors, nurses and health professionals

Recruiting 900 foreign-trained doctors last year alone | Speeding up credentialing so out-of-province health care providers are delivering care here sooner | Providing recruitment and retention incentives in return for a long-term BC residency guarantee....

Recruiting and training nurse practitioners and nurses

Doubling the nurse practitioner program at UBC, making it Canada’s largest | Training, retaining and attracting more nurses to deliver nurse-to-patient ratios that support nurses and optimize the delivery of care to patients....

Saving you a trip to the doctor

We’ll expand when pharmacists can prescribe, refer and offer testing for routine conditions like strep throat or UTI testing - so routine illnesses can be handled without a doctor’s appointment. And we’ll ban the need at work for a “doctor’s note” for short-term illnesses....

Reducing costs if you have to travel for specialist care

We’ll expand the Travel Assistance Program (TAP BC) to include mileage for your car. And we’ll cover your travel expenses before they’re due for payment, so you’re not paying out of pocket and waiting for a refund....

Building or expanding hospitals across BC

We can’t continue to rely on hospitals built 50, 75 or 100 years ago. That’s why we’ve delivered 29 new or expanded hospitals since 2017. And more projects are coming soon as we continue to bring state-of-the art hospitals to BC communities....

Delivering better cancer care; bringing down wait times

Opening four new cancer care centres | Extending hours of operation for radiation and systemic therapy | Hiring more cancer care doctors (we added 92 last year alone) and radiation therapists | Increasing job-protected leave for cancer patients to 27 weeks....

Bringing better care closer to where you live

Building more UPCCs (Urgent & Primary Care Centres) and expanding their hours to include nights and weekends | Continuing to buy and deploy more MRI and CT scanners....

Working smarter through improved efficiency

Review Health Authorities with the goal of streamlining admin and putting savings to work delivering more care for you | Let doctors treat patients while physician assistants chart | Axe the fax and improve the flow of information digitally....

Respectfully honouring the lives, families and cultures of people who die

We’ll modernize and expand dignified disposition options, including scattering ashes in moving water....

Defending and expanding access to reproductive health services

While John Rustad’s BC Conservative Party has left the door open to restricting reproductive freedom, we’ll defend those critical services and expand midwives’ scope of practice to include IUD insertion, prescribing Mifegymiso, and other services....

Providing free menopause treatment with HRT

A critical step in helping protect women against heart disease and osteoporosis, and reducing the risk of colon cancer....

Putting BC on track to end deadly cervical cancer within a decade

We will offer self-screening kits to test for the human papillomavirus (HPV) and the cancer-preventing HPV vaccine....

Improving maternity care across BC

We’ll create a comprehensive strategy to improve maternity care that prioritizes new ways of supporting OBGYNs, family doctors and midwives in delivering care to their patients....

Providing BC students and youth the mental health care help they need

Making sure every public school has a mental health counselor | Expanding Foundry Centres for Youth to ten more communities, providing critical mental health, addiction, and physical and sexual health services to people aged 12-24....

Expanding mental health care counseling across communities

We’ll fuel the vital work of community-based mental health organizations through a new $50 million Community Mental Health Resilience Fund....

Expanding access to treatment to get more people the help they need

New treatment centre for construction workers (who make up one in five drug deaths) | New residential treatment options for parents | Expanding treatment in correctional facilities | Strengthening recovery homes and First Nations treatment centres....

Providing help for people whose struggles require intensive care

New facilities will provide secure care under the Mental Health Act, delivering secure, supportive care to people with brain injuries, severe mental illness and addictions – and who are potentially a danger to themselves or others....

Strengthening drug prevention education in BC schools

Working together, we’ll build an approach that provides supportive training and resources to all school staff. Our goal: engaging children and youth on the dangers of drugs – in ways appropriate for students’ ages and grades....

Building a sustainable economy with good-paying jobs

For too many in British Columbia, it seems like life is as uncertain now as in the depth of the pandemic. Costs keep going up while paychecks can’t seem to keep pace. But David Eby believes there’s a path forward to a prosperous, sustainable future for everyone in BC – and he’s working on it every day.

It’s a path that leverages our province’s strengths to deliver new opportunities, good-paying jobs and a better future. Working in economic partnership with First Nations, your BC NDP team will bring together companies, workers, communities and others to:

Make BC a clean-energy superpower

Transition BC’s economy from overreliance on fossil fuels to clean, affordable and reliable sources of energy | Doubling electricity generation by 2050, with calls for power every two years to grow more renewable sources like wind and solar....

Leverage our clean energy to attract global investment

Market BC to global companies that are making climate action a priority | A new Clean Economy Transition fund will use revenues raised from oil and gas development, including LNG, to build BC’s clean-economy future, attracting even more investment....

Bring the certainty businesses are looking for

Making sure BC’s economy has the space to grow and create jobs through a new Industrial Land Reserve – because we can’t leave BC’s prosperity to chance | Completing an “ease of doing business” review to remove barriers to establishing or growing businesses in BC....

Position BC’s mining industry for global opportunities

Guaranteeing permit review timelines for priority critical mineral projects while maintaining environmental and safety standards | A new Critical Minerals Office to advance projects to final investment | A long-term strategy to attract investment and jobs....

Build out the physical and workforce resources BC’s mining industry needs

Expanding the electricity grid to support mines with clean energy | Upgrading key highways in the northwest | Establishing union-led training programs to help workers keep pace with the changing nature of mining....

Deliver benefits to communities and people

We’ll make sure resource development provides lasting benefits to communities in the northwest through the Resource Benefits Alliance, and to First Nations through continued revenue sharing and new equity ownership opportunities....

Create more good-paying forest jobs

A Forest Value Fund will fast-track wood-manufacturing facilities and the re-tooling of mills to process second growth timber | Get more jobs per tree by tying our working forest resources to mills that employ BC workers | Accelerate the growth of engineered-wood production....

Expand the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund

By supporting the primary sector to invest in innovation that supports local jobs, we can help end the boom-and-bust economy that hurts communities, contractors, businesses, workers and their families....

Provide better access to fibre

Increasing fibre security for primary, secondary users and value-added manufacturers by working towards a harvest of 45 million cubic metres per year | Completing a full review of BC Timber Sales to improve access to public timber and drive better outcomes for workers and communities....

Defend the forest industry, communities and workers

Identifying reforms in the stumpage system in light of punishing tariffs | Pushing Ottawa to take tough tariff action now | David Eby is determined and prepared to use every resource and tool to fight these unjustified and unfair tariffs....

Reduce administration; cut red tape

Working toward First Nation agreements that make sure industry only pays once for stumpage – benefiting rural, remote and First Nation communities | Bringing efficiencies to the permitting process with a goal of granting faster access to timber harvesting....

Secure a more sustainable future for First Nations and forest communities

Double the land held in BC’s new and existing community forests | Plant more than 300 million trees every year to help increase forest resilience | Improve stewardship of BC forests through new Forest Landscape Planning Tables....

Maximize opportunities on BC’s agricultural lands

Inventory and protect agricultural land for future generations | Work with industry to identify land for agricultural innovation and food processing | Match young farmers with farmland available for purchase or lease....

Build resilience for farmers and farms

Protect farmers’ crops and livelihoods through a topped-up perennial crop renewal program | Expand the agricultural Extreme Weather Preparedness Fund to help farmers and ranchers prepare and protect their farms and animals from extreme-weather emergencies....

Fuel high-growth industries that bring investment and jobs

Increasing the tax advantages BC offers to global film and TV production, and delivering those benefits faster | Driving made-in-BC life-saving treatments and creating jobs in BC’s life sciences sector by increasing the amount of wet-lab space in BC....

Deliver more protection and less red tape for small business

Help small business owners avoid the high cost of resolving disputes with landlords through the courts by expanding the online dispute resolution tribunal to include business-landlord disputes | Change PST filing to quarterly from monthly....

Cut red tape for BC restaurants, wineries, breweries and distilleries

We’ll modernize liquor laws and licensing, including a move to risk-based licensing that reduces administrative burdens on low-risk establishments and focuses inspection and enforcement resources on those that pose a greater risk....

Build the heart of communities by investing in tourism, arts and culture activities

Expanding the Arts, Culture & Sports Infrastructure Fund that helps local community and cultural organizations bring people together | Providing stable, year-over-year funding for fairs, festivals and events....

Train and attract people for good-paying jobs

Double all apprenticeship training | Train, hire and keep more doctors, nurses and other health professionals – particularly in rural BC – with incentives in return for a practice-in-BC guarantee | Train the workers needed to build complex clean-energy projects....

Protect the rights of BC workers

Make sure BC’s minimum wage increases in line with inflation | Put BC jobs and workers first by preventing the offshoring of jobs on public projects | Increasing protections for Temporary Foreign Workers by removing certification for employers who inflict abuse....

Protect the health and wellbeing of BC workers

Increase the inspection and enforcement capacity of WorkSafeBC | Extend presumptive compensation for workers witnessing traumatic workplace deaths | Expand presumptive WCB coverage for firefighters who experience higher rates of cancer due to exposure to hazards....

Protecting nature. Tackling climate change.

To this day, John Rustad insists there’s no climate crisis. And he calls protecting BC’s most-endangered nature “nonsense”. We can’t leave the future of our province to someone who denies the world’s most fundamental problems.

David Eby and the BC NDP team are taking action that matters. In addition to the urgent steps we’re taking to shift our economy and province to clean energy, we are also:

Reducing carbon pollution by taking on the biggest polluters

As BC’s biggest polluters, oil and gas companies need to reduce their methane emissions. And we’re making it happen. BC is on track to exceed its 2025 methane reduction target, on our way to achieving a 75% reduction by the industry by 2030....

Moving BC closer to its goal of protecting 30% of provincial lands by 2030

We’re working with First Nations, Ottawa and communities on a shared, ambitious commitment to defend and preserve critical, at-risk areas of biodiversity. John Rustad told The Narwhal that his Conservatives would “absolutely axe doing that.”...

Driving a made-in-BC strategy to defend BC’s biodiversity

Our province is home to the richest, most complex and diverse biodiversity in Canada. Working jointly with First Nations and our other partners, we’re breaking from outdated conservation models with a fully science-based approach to protect that diversity....

Protecting and restoring watersheds, waterways and old growth

Expanding salmon restoration in estuaries, inter-tidal zones, and spawning habitats | Phasing out the herbicide glyphosate (Round-Up), protecting watersheds and communities | Completing action on the Old Growth Strategic Review’s 14 recommendations....

Engaging youth to build a stronger future

We’ll expand the Youth Climate Corps, providing training and paid work for young people between age 17-30 who want to start their careers by making a difference on climate action in their communities in a way that makes those communities safer and more prosperous....

Helping you take advantage of clean energy home improvements

Our solar panel and home battery rebates will help you create and store energy, and lower your hydro bill by putting electricity onto the grid. And we’ll bulk purchase heat pumps, and pass the savings on to you to help you lower your heating bill and make your home energy efficient....

Creating an EV future for you – and your kids

People here are switching to electric vehicles faster than expected. We’ll keep it going by doubling public chargers across the province by 2030 to encourage more people to switch. And we’ll move BC’s school bus fleet to electric for a clean-energy ride to school....

Defending people in BC against the threat from a changing climate

Partnering with First Nations and communities to proactively move highly flammable woody material, prune stands and remove debris to slow or stop the spread of wildfires and protect primary water sources for communities....

Making sure BC communities have secure sources of clean water for the future

We’ll put land use and watershed planning in the hands of local communities, farmers and businesses – in partnership with First Nations – and fund those communities to identify and prioritize local water use....

Preventing the kind of flooding we saw in the Sumas Prairie in 2021

As we move forward widening Highway 1 out to Chilliwack, we will build in climate resiliency....

Safe, strong, more livable communities

We’re working with police to make neighbourhoods and streets safer. We’re helping you get around your community, region and province.

And we’re making the investments in schools, community infrastructure and recreation opportunities – from the rec centre downtown to your favourite campsite.

Making our streets safer

Supporting police to keep guns off our streets and continuing anti-gang programs, like the new Integrated Gang Homicide Team....

Ramping up the seizure of proceeds of organized crime

We’ll deny profits to criminal networks and close down gang houses, take their cars, and seize properties used by criminals with the knowledge of the property’s owner....

Stopping repeat offenders in their tracks

Strengthen targeted policing | Increase funding for immediate police investigations | Add more comprehensive case management capacity for prosecutors | Push Ottawa for stronger bail and sentencing conditions to keep repeat violent and gang offenders off the streets....

Cracking down on bad drivers to make our roads and highways safer

Get tough on reckless supercar drivers by tying the fine levied in their speeding ticket to the value of their car | Red light cameras for busy community intersections | A dedicated highway patrol to crack down on speeding and reckless driving....

Helping women and families permanently escape domestic abuse and violence

We’ll expand the availability of transition housing, and make sure the jobs of women fleeing abusive relationships are protected – so they can keep supporting their families in these difficult times....

Defending the safety of British Columbians

We’ll protect minority groups with new, tough hate crime legislation....

Delivering supportive, safe, quality care when a mental health crisis is reported

By fast-tracking the expansion of civilian-led and health-focused crisis response teams across the province....

Helping youth-at-risk make the right decision for their future

By providing community sports, recreational or educational programming targeted to their needs....

Connecting the province with an expanded bus service

Building on our BC North bus service, we’ll deploy a new fleet of express buses between key transportation hubs around the province....

Providing more affordable transit options in Metro Vancouver

Completing the Surrey to Langley SkyTrain | Finishing the Broadway Subway | Three new Bus Rapid Transit corridors: Park Royal to Metrotown; Surrey Centre to White Rock; Maple Ridge to Langley | Moving towards SkyTrain or light rail to the North Shore....

Connecting communities in the Fraser Valley

Expand the West Coast Express to Chilliwack | A new rail service through the Valley | Move forward with the next leg of the Fraser Valley Highway 1 Corridor Improvement project, widening the highway out to Chilliwack, including climate resiliency to prevent flooding....

Exploring the viability of bringing commuter rail back to key routes

We’ll develop a business plan to evaluate commuter rail options, including Vancouver to Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton to help address crowding and traffic in this fast-growing corridor....

Improving transit for people with disabilities

We’ll bring BC’s HandyDART service into government, instead of sub-contracting the service to a private company, to improve both service and costs....

Reviewing all private delivery models within BC Transit

So we can make sure British Columbians are getting the best value for their tax dollars and the best service for their needs....

Making cabs and ride-hails more responsive, affordable and safer

This includes standing firm on Class 4 license requirements for taxi and ride-hail drivers, requiring forward- and backward-facing cameras in both taxis and ride-hails, and speeding up the review of the taxi rate structure to lower costs for users....

Expanding BC parks, recreation sites and trails for family enjoyment

Adding more campsites in BC parks, including large-group-capacity sites for family gatherings | Expanding recreation sites/facilities, particularly for accessibility | Maintaining access roads, building new trails and infrastructure....

Getting more teachers into the classroom

Attracting teachers to high-need areas of BC through incentive programs | Creating a faster pathway to teacher certification for adults already working on call in BC schools....

Increasing support for kids with learning challenges and their families

Identifying kids who are struggling early | Offering teachers training to identify and support kids with learning challenges....

Keeping up with demand through new school construction

We’ll continue building more new schools – and expanding and upgrading others – in communities around the province, from Trail to Quesnel and Surrey to Cumberland....

Stronger relationships with Indigenous peoples

The partnerships David Eby and the BC NDP are building with Indigenous peoples across the province have never been more crucial.

With Indigenous peoples we are strengthening communities by taking action on Indigenous housing, education and supports for families and people – while building an economic foundation that businesses and industries can count on. While John Rustad now says he wants to take BC backward by repealing UNDRIP, we will continue moving our relationships with Indigenous peoples forward by:

Continuing the shared work of the Declaration Act Action Plan

Together, we will work to advance reconciliation in tangible and measurable ways for all communities across the province....

Partnering to ensure healthy, productive and sustainable forests

These partnerships will continue to drive forestry innovation and good-paying jobs, protect old growth and ecosystems, and expand working community forests to build a strong future for all forest workers....

Building more homes for people

This includes on- and off-reserve housing, as well as delivering major housing projects in communities around the province through partnerships between BC Builds and First Nations and Metis....

Advancing Indigenous education and training opportunities

Including the preservation and revitalization of First Nations languages and cultural heritage....

Delivering services that support Indigenous people living in urban areas

We will expand our support for the work being done by the 25 Aboriginal Friendship Centres across BC....

Efficient and effective government

BC has done better than other provinces in responding to the challenges of record immigration, an ageing population, and rising demand for public services – recruiting more doctors and nurses, teachers, and child care workers, growing our economy in a time of record interest rates, and attracting investment from around the globe.

But we have to do more. And we have to do it efficiently. We must continue to ensure the growth we’ve seen in government services is consistent with efficient and effective government. That’s why we will:

Create a standardized, province-wide online municipal building permit system

We’ll work with municipalities to streamline permitting for housing construction – and that means improving consistency across all communities and reducing administration and technology cost burdens on municipalities....

Complete a full review of Health Authorities with the goal of driving down costs

Health Authorities must provide a regional lens on policy without duplicating bureaucracy and without displacing the voices of front line health professionals who can help us deliver effective and efficient programs....

Unify provincial enforcement teams into a single enforcement agency

Gambling, liquor, traffic, transit police, and tobacco – all in one agency so we reduce duplication, improve efficiency and focus on bad actors. This will free up RCMP officers to focus on crime instead of provincial regulation enforcement....

Leverage emerging AI technology for public benefit

We’ll explore the potential of AI to ease administration costs and burdens in key program areas that require the review of large amounts of non-sensitive data....

Make sure our debt-to-GDP remains among the lowest in Canada

This will balance our need to be fiscally responsible with our need to compete with other jurisdictions for business, skilled workers and good infrastructure as our population grows....

Press Ottawa to turn immigration policy and funding over to the provinces

The federal government has already done this with Quebec. Here in BC, we can do a better job than Ottawa of recruiting and retaining skilled immigrants and reducing the abuse of the temporary foreign worker program by some employers....

Additional Resources

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